45 Lectures | 1hr : 11min
52 Lectures
Why deep learning is becoming so popular?
What is a neuron?
What is a Neural Network
Install tensorflow 2.0
Pytorch vs Tensorflow vs Keras
Neural Network For Handwritten Digits Classification
Activation Functions
Derivatives Exercise
Matrix Basics
Matrix Basics Exercise
Loss or Cost Function
Loss or Cost Function Exercise
Gradient Descent For Neural Network
Implement Neural Network In Python
Stochastic Gradient Descent vs Batch Gradient Descent vs Mini Batch Gradient Descent
Chain Rule
Tensorboard Introduction
GPU bench-marking with image classification
Customer churn prediction using ANN
Customer churn prediction using ANN Exercise
Precision, Recall, F1 score, True Positive
Dropout Regularization
Handling imbalanced dataset in machine learning
Handling imbalanced dataset in machine learning Exercise
Applications of computer vision
Simple explanation of convolutional neural network
Image classification using CNN (CIFAR10 dataset)
Image classification using CNN (CIFAR10 dataset) Exercise
Convolution padding and stride
Data augmentation to address overfitting
Transfer Learning
Image classification vs Object detection vs Image Segmentation
Popular datasets for computer vision: ImageNet, Coco and Google Open images
Sliding Window Object Detection
What is YOLO algorithm?
Object detection using YOLO v4 and pre trained model
What is Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)?
Types of RNN | Recurrent Neural Network Types
Vanishing and exploding gradients
Simple Explanation of LSTM
Simple Explanation of GRU (Gated Recurrent Units)
Bidirectional RNN
Converting words to numbers, Word Embeddings
Word embedding using keras embedding layer
What is Word2Vec?
Implement word2vec in gensim
Distributed Training On NVIDIA DGX Station A100
Tensorflow Input Pipeline
Tensorflow Input Pipeline Exercise
Optimize Tensorflow Pipeline Performance